Back-to-school time is around the corner for kids of all ages, making it the perfect opportunity to look at your employee training programs. The need for ongoing learning and upskilling is beyond question in today's fast-changing and fast-paced work environment. A learning environment at your company:
Supports your employees' growth and development.
Motivates your team to stay focused on your organization's goals and values.
Keeps your company ahead in the competitive professional landscape.
Game-Changing Training Programs for Employees
While the most relevant training programs for employees can vary depending on your industry, there are some common training programs can boost your employees' skills, knowledge, productivity, job satisfaction, and overall performance.
Here is how to make the most of them.
Leverage technology for employee training
Online employee training platforms and software provide flexibility and can save time and money when training new staff or upgrading their skills and knowledge.
Global marketplaces like Udemy, Emeritus, and LinkedIn provide diverse courses and subjects ranging from technical skills like data analysis to teaching social-emotional skills such as empathy, leadership, or stress management.
Sign Up Online Learning.
Udemy is the world's largest educational platform, with over 130,000 courses in various languages. This platform offers diversity to employees at all levels of interest and expertise. It allows you to select the most suitable courses for your employees, ensuring that they learn skills directly related to their jobs.
Similarly, Emeritus is a platform for online learning that provides top-notch courses from esteemed institutions, including Columbia Business School, Harvard Medical School, the University of Cambridge, and others.
Tap Into the Power of LinkedIn Learning.
Leveraging the power of professional networks such as LinkedIn is a great way to invest in your employees and company's development. LinkedIn offers high-quality content from renowned institutions and industry experts, giving your staff access to programs that follow the highest academic standards.
Access association online learning platforms.
If your company is in a specialty industry, such as financial services, an association that your company is a member of may have a learning management system that’s included as a benefit. Check to ensure you’re not missing out on an opportunity for your employees to gain industry-specific knowledge.
Provide On-the-Job Training
On-the-job training is a type of training employees receive directly in their workplace. It is often supplied by mentors, coaches, or fellow employees with a higher level of expertise, and it is especially effective for sectors that demand hands-on experiences and quick adaptation to workplace processes.
On-the-job training can involve various programs, such as:
Cross-training and job rotation (rotating employees across different roles within the company)
Shadowing (someone highly competent at the work shows the new employee what to do, and then employees are allowed to attempt it)
Simulation-based training (in high-risk or safety-critical jobs, workers practice in a safe setting that simulates real life)
Internship (offering young people high-quality training that advances their careers).
Mental health first-aider courses (training employees who will be coworkers' initial point of contact for mental health concerns)
Offer Leadership Development Programs
Any business that wants to succeed in the long run must invest in developing its leaders. Leadership training can help managers and executives improve their communication, empathy, decision-making, and team leadership skills.
According to research, empathy is one of the essential leadership skills, so compassionate leadership is vital for building successful relationships in the workplace and ensuring professional and personal success.
Empathetic leadership puts a strong emphasis on knowing others and their viewpoints. Leaders with empathy put people first. They empathize with others around them, fully grasping their perspectives and giving consideration to their needs. Empathy is a skill that can be learned, however. Sensitivity courses and training can help your leaders become more empathetic and foster a compassionate, trusting workplace atmosphere.
HR.Coach can help you train your organization's future leaders
Training must be tailored to the company's needs, goals, and employee preferences to get the best outcomes, and management's involvement and support in fostering a learning culture can significantly influence how well these programs work. In addition, ensure that your employees evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and provide feedback
If you would like help doing that, HR.Coach is here to support you. To learn more, simply contact us.